Blond athletic rookie vs Sexy Hawaiian veteran in a non-scripted wresting match. Brutal action.

Stars: Mahina Zaltana, Lizzy London
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Added: 30th of September 2011 | Views: 2126 | Runtime: 00min 35sec | Category: Ultimate Surrender

Mahina is back! This sexy Hawaiian has been training off the mat and had two big wins in last season's Summer Vengeance tournament. She is small at 5'1 but has speed and strength. She is not afraid to be physical and loves wrestling.

Welcome Lizzy London to the Ultimate Surrender mat. This sexy blond rookie does not like giving in or up. As a rookie she is in for some harsh lessons but once this girl gets her endurance up and some skill under her belt she could be a force to reckon with.

The brute strength and determination of the rookie was almost a match for the veteran and her skill. However Mahina did not panic and used her strong legs to her advantage. In the 3rd round Mahina's knee got up under the rookies ribs. The rookie went down, but not out. She wanted to continue, but we determined that injury was enough to stop the match. However not enough to stop Mahina from fucking and humiliating our new rookie.

Ultimate Surrender is a real non-scripted dangerous sport. Any girl who gets on this mat deserves our respect and admiration. They are the elite of the porn industry the toughest of the tough.