The Training of Sabrina Fox, Day Two
Stars: Sabrina Fox, Lobo
Added: 19
th of September 2008 |
Views: 2721 |
Runtime: 00min 37sec |
Category: The Training of O
Status: - Slave Name: 116
- Has a minor GAG REFLEX
- Triggers: outside right thigh. Press for filth
- Desperately searching for RITE OF PASSAGE
- Wants MARKS
- Has been sleeping on the floor
- Orgasms have been DENIED
Themes: - Submission breeds DUTY
- Becoming part of something bigger than her
Goals: - Eroticize service through chores
- Initiate sex
- Simple Commands
- Humility
Rules: - Maintain eye-line
- 'Trainer' address
- No furniture inc. BED
- No masturbation
| Lessons to Learn: - Fear is Power
- Claim her sexuality and express it
- Proper expression of gratitude
- She is here to embrace her Duty
Recommendations: - Early morning inspection
- Immersion techniques to combat fears:
- Stairs, Falling
- Work on balance issues
- Run the Bleachers
- Extract info from homework review
- Drill the Rules and Positions
- Hook her ass and fuck her like a dog
- Press her deeper into submission using control and release
- Order masturbation to multiple orgasm
- Imprint association of orgasms and choking
- Cover her in come and stand her at attention
- Assign research on community integration
- Dismiss her to quarters for the night